Monday, September 30, 2013

♫#DESKTOPS/#WALLPAPERS for #OCTOBER 2013♫30thOfSeptember2013♫

GOOOOOOD MONDAY-morning everyone!!!! Are YOU as me, ready for a BRAND NEW WEEK.???  I will start this week with meating up with the girls for Coffee and good time on Skrädderiet-cafe here in Kinna... Long Time No See... so that will be SOOOOO FUN!

But first... tomorrow OCTOBER will knock on the door, and AUTUMN have arrived for real... and a NEW month mean for me NEW desktops/wallpapers for my computer...
So here I have 3 NEW WALLPAPERS/DESKTOPS for YOU all...

If YOU would like to use these, just CLICK on the IMAGES and save....


  1. Adorable. Thank you very much.
    Hugs, Bonnie

    1. THANK YOU sweetest Bonnie and U are MOST welcome♥
