Monday, December 8, 2014

NEW ANIMATED TAG-EXTRA Freebie for CHRISTMAS♥8thofDecember2014♥

GOOD MONDAY everyone....
Cant believe it, but #christmas is coming closer and closer to us... and I know I just LOOOOOVE it♥

Here is a little #freebie #animated #tagextra that I have created for YOU all!!!! If YOU are a member in one of my groups (linked in the sideborder on my blog under Yahoo and Google) I will offer Your name on this tag.... YOU are so WELCOME to join me there....

ALL information about the tag-set are included in a folder...

If YOU would like to use this set, just CLICK on my NAME, its the preview, and download from Mediafire...


  1. Hi Nettis,
    My name is Sandy. I live in Oregon in the USA. I really, REALLY want to learn to animate like you. How do I start?
    Right now, I am a tagger and I LOVE your work, hon. You are an AMAZING "Creator." I want to collect your stat's & blank's and offer for tag request's. Please keep up the great work. YOU are an "inspiration. "Thank you. God bless.

    1. ♥ THANK YOU sweetest Sandy for your kind words... wooow, You REALLY MADE my DAY shine up♥ I feel so BLESSED and HONORED....GOD Bless YOU my friend♥
